Congratulations to Lisa Kruse on her fifth anniversary with Bay Athletic Club.
Lisa works for the state of Michigan as an environmental regulator and volunteers for the Alpena Wildlife Sanctuary board. Her and her husband Eric enjoy hiking, love being outdoors and enjoy spending time with their four cats.
When asked what she loves most about being a part of the BAC team Lisa said:
"My favorite part of being on the BAC team is connecting with the community in a fun and unique way, through dance! Dancing is a universal language and being able to connect that way is really special. I have met most of my friends through Zumba. Dancing is vulnerable for some and I'm grateful to be trusted with that. Nothing brings me more happiness then when a student breaks free and dances from their soul."
When asked what she loves most about BAC and what BAC offers Lisa said:
"I don't think it would be a big surprise to learn that my favorite format at BAC is Zumba. Zumba was the first fitness class I ever attended and is still my favorite. I always leave feeling mentally better and sweaty in the best way. I love that BAC offers a variety of classes that suit many goals. You can build strength and endurance and improve balance and flexibility. Regardless of what classes members take, we help build confidence at BAC."
Wow! What a great testament to the power of fitness.
We appreciate you Lisa! Your fun personality and love and passion for Zumba shine through.
Congratulations on a successful five years of inspiring others to live life out loud. And as you always say, peace, love, Zumba!
Will you help us congratulate Lisa today?